
Spot X - The return

Soo, I am back ! And it is soo friggin great. At first it was a little odd with almost none of my old friends still working here, but now it's just awesome. The new crew working here is really cool and I think we'll have heaps of fun.
The surfing is rosty but it is so great to be back in the wather, missed it soo soo much!
So I think there's a good chance I'll be here for quite some time, I love it so much, and even if Australia is so so big, and there is so much else to see, there isn't much else I want to really, really do, besides this.. so why shouldn't I? This is "My" year to do what I want, and I want to be here. So that's that for now.

Talk Soon

2 kommentarer:

Karin - Kort och Gott sa...

Skönt att höra att du har det bra! Kul att de nya arbetskamraterna verkar bra. Vad gäller resandet... Du är vuxen nu! Du bestämmer över ditt liv själv :D
puss och kram

Micha & Flipp sa...

Tack Karin ! Jag antar att jag typ ar vuxen.. kanns dock inte sa !
Puss & Kram