So in one month my second Spot X era is coming to an end and that will probably be the last goodbye to this place, don't think I'm going to return anytime soon, pretty sad, but the good times has been many.
So my second time here hasn't been anything like the first time, and ofcourse I didn't expect that, I expected it to be different, but not like this.
As a friend said the other day "You allready had your crew here once" and even if there's some really cool people here now, I can't help but to compare to the crew we had back in the days and how much more it felt as a family back then. I love the guys here I do and I still love this place, but it's time to move on. My Spot X time is out, I realized that now.
So next month it's my birthday the 24th then there's a festival at the camp from the 25th to the 27th and I'm leaving the 27th to go to Yamba once again ! Staying there for like 2 and a half week, then down to Sydney, see Lee again and probably the last time befor I'm flying out. After Sydney I'm going down to Melbourne to spend christmas and new years there with Cissi and some friends. Then around the 23 of jan we're flying to Bali to meet up with Charlotta, I'm so excited !! Can't belive the time has gone by so fast, only 3 months left in Australia and in like 4-5 months I'll be back home ! Crazy ! But am excited too to meet everyone back home again !