
Live the life you love .

One and a half week at the camp and allready is the time just flying. You can't understand how great this place is until you experienced it. The best way to describe it is 'It's just such a easy life'.
This is like a tipical day; I wake up around 8ish and have a great breakfast (served) with the most beautiful view (haft to post a photo of this, actually I'm gonna do a blog post with pictures from around camp, that will be my next mission).
Then around 9 I go out for a surf, maybe see some dolphins or some wales. Get up around 10.30 get to work at 11 spend a couple of hours working, have lunch, then another surf in the afternoon, maybe go for a run and maybe a couple hours more work.
Then at nights we'll have a great dinner, then we chill around the camp fire, have some drinks, play some games, play some pool, on a more quiet night we'll watch a movie, but most night we just hang out and have a blast.
And the next day, it's the same thing. Maybe it sounds booring, do the same thing all the time, but I tell you, it's not. We find ways to make it different (dress up in wierd stuff and go for a surf, like the other day) but we don't really have to do that even, not that often anyway, it's just so cool, we just have the best time. So easy just to stay here, which is what I'm going to do now for a while.

I really want to try and keep you updated at home on stuff that I'm doing, it's just hard here with the same stuff going on all the time.
Can tell you something from today though, I had a really great surf this morning, I think it was the best sience I got back to the camp. Managed to do a really great turn (which is like the hardest to learn I reckon) and it was so much fun. This afternoon was shit though, a couple of the groms went to another beach and the waves were huge, couldn't even manage to get past the breaking point. But, got to practice my duck dives(diving under the breaking waves with your board, to avoide getting smashed by the wave).

People are leaving this week and I guess this is gonna be a common thing for me now, with me staying longer than most people comming through to work here, but I don't mind really, you just meet soo much cool people.

So that'll be it for now, I'll get back with them photos from around the camp, want to show you all my Australian "home".

Till familj och vanner dar hemma, jag har sagt det forut men sager det igen och igen, kan inte saga det tillrackligt. Jag saknar er sa mycket och jag vill att ni ska veta att jag tanker pa er jamnt och standigt, glommer inte bort nagon av er och langtar sa tills jag kan se er igen och ge er alla bamse kramar. 7 manader, tiden gar sa sjukt fort, har gjort mer an halva tiden nu, ungefar 6 manader tills jag ar tillbaka hemma igen, det kommer ga snabbt !
Alskar er, saknar er, langtar efter er !

"True friends are never apart, maybe by distance, but never in heart"


Spot X - The return

Soo, I am back ! And it is soo friggin great. At first it was a little odd with almost none of my old friends still working here, but now it's just awesome. The new crew working here is really cool and I think we'll have heaps of fun.
The surfing is rosty but it is so great to be back in the wather, missed it soo soo much!
So I think there's a good chance I'll be here for quite some time, I love it so much, and even if Australia is so so big, and there is so much else to see, there isn't much else I want to really, really do, besides this.. so why shouldn't I? This is "My" year to do what I want, and I want to be here. So that's that for now.

Talk Soon